Highlights of 2014-2015
- We obtained our first data from the 50K SNP chip (Affymetrix Axiom genotyping array). Analyses of our first set of 1,536 trees indicates that we will be able to reliably assay about 20K SNPs. During 2015-2016, we will analyze the rest of the 1,920 trees in the study, and begin analyses of genomic selection. This is a collaboration with Keith Jayawickrama and the Northwest Advanced Renewables Alliance.
- Oguz Urhan continued his work on developing classical and molecular breeding strategies for western white pine. This project is being funded by the Center for Advanced Forestry Systems (CAFS) in collaboration with the Inland Empire Tree Improvement Cooperative, US Forest Service, and British Columbia Ministry of Forests. Oguz Urhan is being supported by a scholarship from the Turkish government.
- We began work on the drought hardiness study, a collaboration with the Bureau of Land Management, Northwest Tree Improvement Cooperative, Plum Creek Timber Company, and Silver Butte Timber Company. Erda Çeler is undertaking this study as part of her Master’s thesis project. She and others began taking measurements on three genetic test plantations in southern Oregon in September 2015. Erda is being supported by a scholarship from the Turkish government.
- We have begun a re-design of the Seedlot Selection Tool (SST). This is a collaborative project between the PNWTIRC, USFS Pacific Northwest Research Station, and the Conservation Biology Institute.
- We began working on analyses of data from the Douglas-fir Heredity Study, a provenance test established in 1915. This is a collaborative project between the PNWTIRC (Glenn Howe) and USFS Pacific Northwest Research Station (Brad St.Clair)
- We launched the PNWTIRC newsletter, which will be used to keep members informed about key events and accomplishments during the year.