College of Forestry

Pacific Northwest Tree Improvement Research Cooperative


The Cooperative has four types of members

  • Regular members contribute directly to the Cooperative through annual membership fees and in-kind support. In-kind contributions typically consist of land, labor, and/or equipment needed to conduct PNWTIRC research.
  • Associate members are landowners with fewer than 100,000 acres. Associate members also provide in-kind support, but pay smaller annual fees than do Regular members.
  • Contractual members contribute annual fees and in-kind support, but have no voting rights.
  • Liaison members, which include organizations such as other universities, provide guidance to the Cooperative, but contribute no annual fees, and have no voting rights.

Policy/Technical Committee
The Policy/Technical Committee is responsible for making decisions on overall program strategy and support, identifying research problems, establishing priorities, and assisting in the planning, implementation and evaluation of studies. This committee is comprised of one representative from each Regular and Associate member.

Membership List