Displaying 1 - 100 of 104 Publications
Howe G.T., Jayawickrama K.J.S., Kolpak S.E., Kling J.G., Trappe M., Hipkins V.D., Ye T., Guida S., Cronn R., Cushman S.A. et al.. 2020. An Axiom SNP genotyping array for Douglas-fir. BMC Genomics. 21(9)
St.Clair J.B., Howe G.T., Kling J.G. 2020. The 1912 Douglas-fir Heredity Study: Long-term effects of climatic transfer distance on growth and survival. Journal of Forestry. 118(1):1-13.
Lu H., Klocko A.L., Brunner A.M., Ma C., Magnuson A.C., Howe G.T., An X., Strauss S.H. 2019. RNA interference suppression of AGAMOUS and SEEDSTICK alters floral organ identity and impairs floral organ determinacy, ovule differentiation, and seed-hair development in Populus. New Phytologist. 222:923-937.
Celer E. 2017. Douglas-fir seedlings in the Pacific Northwest: The genetics of drought adaptation. M.S. Thesis, Oregon State University
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Howe G.T., Strauss S.H. 2017. Biotechnology research is developing new tools for tree breeders. Western Forester. 62(3):26-27.
Klocko A., Brunner A.M., Huang J., Meilan R., Lu H., Ma C., Morel A., Zhao D., Ault K., Dow M. et al.. 2016. Containment of transgenic trees by suppression of LEAFY. Nature Biotechnology. 34:918–922. DOI | PDF
Kolpak S.E., Smith J., Albrecht M.J., DeBell J., Lipow S., Cherry M.L., Howe G.T. 2015. High-density miniaturized seed orchards of Douglas-fir. New Forests. 46:121-140. DOI
Magalska L., Howe G.T. 2014. Genetic and environmental control of Douglas fir stem defects. For. Ecol. Manage. 318:228-238. DOI
Urhan O.S., Kolpak S.E., Jayawickrama K.J.S., Howe G.T. 2014. Early genetic selection for wood stiffness in juvenile Douglas-fir and western hemlock. For. Ecol. Manage. 320:104-117. DOI
Howe G.T., Yu J., Knaus B., Cronn R., Kolpak S., Dolan P., Lorenz W.W., Dean J.F.D. 2013. A SNP resource for Douglas-fir: de novo transcriptome assembly and SNP detection and validation. BMC Genomics. 14(137)
Lorenz W.W., Neale D.B., Jermstad K.D., Howe G.T., Rogers D.L., Bordeaux J.M., Ayyampalayam S., Dean J.F.D. 2012. Conifer DBMagic: A database housing multiple de novo transcriptome assemblies for twelve diverse conifer species. Tree Genet. Genomes. 8:1477-1485.
Chmura D.J., Anderson P.D., Howe G.T., Harrington C.A., Halofsky J.E., Peterson D.L., Shaw D.C., St.Clair J.B. 2011. Forest responses to climate change in the northwestern United States: Ecophysiological foundations for adaptive management. Forest Ecology and Management. 261:1121-1142.
Jayawickrama K.J.S., Ye T.Z., Howe G.T. 2011. Heritabilities, intertrait genetic correlations, GxE interaction and predicted genetic gains for acoustic velocity in mid-rotation coastal Douglas-fir. Silvae Genetica. 60:8-18.
St.Clair J.B., Howe G.T. 2011. Strategies for the conservation of forest genetic resources in the face of climate change. Turk. J. Bot. 35:403-409.
Vikram V., Cherry M.L., Briggs D., Cress D.W., Evans R., Howe G.T. 2011. Stiffness of Douglas-fir lumber: Effects of wood properties and genetics. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 41:1160-1173.
Chmura D.J., Howe G.T., Anderson P.D., St.Clair J.B. 2010. Adaptation of trees, forests and forestry to climate change. Sylwan. 154(9):587-602.
St.Clair J.B., Howe G.T. 2010. Ensuring that forests are adapted to future climates. Northwest Woodlands. 26(2):20-21,31.
St.Clair J.B., Howe G.T. 2009. Genetic options for adapting forests to climate change. Western Forester. 54(1):9-11.
Cherry M.L., Vikram V., Briggs D., Cress D.W., Howe G.T. 2008. Genetic variation in direct and indirect measures of wood stiffness in coastal Douglas-fir. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 38:2476-2486.
Cherry M.L., Anekonda T.S., Albrecht M.J., Howe G.T. 2007. Flower stimulation in young miniaturized seed orchards of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii). Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 37(1):1-10.
Howe G.T. 2006. Bibliography of Douglas-fir ecological genetics, evolutionary genetics, physiological genetics, and tree breeding. Pacific Northwest Research Cooperative Report. :20pp.
Howe G.T., Jayawickrama K.J.S., Cherry M.L., Johnson G.R., Wheeler N.C. 2006. Breeding Douglas-fir. Plant breeding reviews. 27:245-353.
Howe D.K., Brunner A.M., Cherry M.L., Krutovsky K.V., Neale D.B., Howe G.T. 2005. Identifying candidate genes associated with cold hardiness in coastal Douglas-fir using DNA microarrays. Western Forest Genetics Association 50th Anniversary Meeting: Looking Back—Looking Ahead.
Cherry M.L., Howe G.T. 2004. Proceedings, genetics and growth modeling workshop. Pacific Northwest Research Cooperative Report . :171pp..
Slavov G.T., Howe G.T., Gyaourova A.V., Birkes D.S., Adams W.T. 2004. Pollen Flow (PFL): A computer program for estimating pollen flow using highly variable markers and paternity exclusion.
Slavov G.T., Howe G.T., Yakovlev I, Edwards K.J., Krutovskii K.V., Tuskan G.A., Carlson J.E., Strauss S.H., Adams W.T. 2004. Highly variable SSR markers in Douglas-fir: Mendelian inheritance and map locations. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 108:873-880.
Howe G.T., Aitken S.N., Neale D.B., Jermstad K.D., Wheeler N.C., Chen T.H.H. 2003. From genotype to phenotype: Unraveling the complexities of cold adaptation in forest trees. Canadian Journal of Botany. 81:1247-1266.
Slavov G.T. 2003. CTAB protocol for extracting DNA from Douglas-fir seed embryos and megagametophytes.
Vargas-Hernandez J.J., Adams W.T., Joyce D.G. 2003. Quantitative genetic structure of stem form and branching traits in Douglas-fir seedlings and implications for early selection. 52. :36-44.
Anekonda T.S., Lomas M.C., Adams W.T., Kavanagh K.L., Aitken S.N. 2002. Genetic variation in drought hardiness of coastal Douglas-fir seedlings from British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 32:1701-1716.
Jayawickrama K.J.S., Bracher G, Howe G.T. 2002. Genetic improvement of wood quality in coastal Douglas-fir and western hemlock. Joint PNWTIRC/NWTIC workshop.
Adams W.T., Aitken S.N., Joyce D.G., Howe G.T., Vargas-Hernandez J.J. 2001. Evaluating efficacy of early testing for stem growth in coastal Douglas-fir. Silvae Genetica. 50:167-175.
Anekonda T.S. 2001. Extreme growth phenotypes of trees are caused by differences in energy metabolism. Thermochimica Acta . 373:125-132.
Anekonda T.S. 2001. Genetics of cold and drought hardiness in coastal Douglas-fir. Western Forest Genetics Association Meeting.
Jermstad K.D., Bassoni D.L., Wheeler N.C., Anekonda T.S., Aitken S.N., Adams W.T., Neale D.B. 2001. Mapping of quantitative trait loci controlling adaptive traits in coastal Douglas-fir: II. Spring and fall cold hardiness. Theoretical and Applied Genetics . 102:1152-1158.
O'Neill G.A., Adams W.T., Aitken S.N. 2001. Quantitative genetics of spring and fall cold hardiness in seedlings from two Oregon populations of coastal Douglas-fir. Forest Ecology and Management. 149:305-318.
Adams W.T., Burczyk J. 2000. Magnitude and implications of gene flow in gene conservation reserves. Forest Conservation Genetics: Principles and Practices. :pp.215-224.
Anekonda T.S., Adams W.T. 2000. Genetics of dark respiration and its relationship with drought hardiness in coastal Douglas-fir. Thermochimica Acta . 349:69-77.
Anekonda T.S., Adams W.T. 2000. Pacific Northwest Tree Improvement Research Cooperative. Western Forester. 45:13.
Anekonda T.S., Adams W.T., Aitken S.N. 2000. Cold hardiness testing for Douglas-fir tree improvement programs: guidelines for a simple, robust and inexpensive screening method. Western Journal of Applied Forestry. 15:129-136.
Anekonda T.S., Adams W.T., Aitken S.N., Neale D.B., Jermstad K.D., Wheeler N.C. 2000. Genetics of cold hardiness in a cloned full-sib family of coastal Douglas-fir. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 30:837-840.
Anekonda T.S., Criddle R.S., Bacca M.I., Hansen L.D. 2000. Influence of age on dark respiration in eucalypts. Thermochimica Acta. 343:11-17.
Anekonda T.S., Criddle R.S., Hansen L.D. 2000. Response to letter from M. Adams. Functional Ecology. 14:654-656.
Anekonda T.S., Lomas M.C., Adams W.T. 2000. Genetic variation in drought hardiness of coastal Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii) seedlings. Joint Meeting North American Forest Biology Workshop and Western Forest Genetics Association.
Criddle R.S., Anekonda T.S., Tong H, Church J.N., Ledig F.T., Hansen L.D. 2000. Effects of climate on growth traits of river red gum are determined by respiration parameters. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology. 27:435-443.
O'Neill G.A., Aitken S.N., Adams W.T. 2000. Genetic selection for cold hardiness in coastal Douglas-fir seedlings and saplings. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 30:1799-1807.
Temel F, Adams W.T. 2000. Persistence and age-age genetic correlations of stem defects in coastal Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii (Mirb.) Franco). Forest Genetics. 7:145-153.
Anekonda T.S., Criddle R.S., Bacca M.I., Hansen L.D.. 1999. Contrasting adaptation of two eucalyptus subgenera is related to differences in respiratory metabolism. Functional Ecology. 13:675-682.
Balduman L.M., Aitken S.N., Harmon M, Adams W.T.. 1999. Genetic variation in cold hardiness of Douglas-fir in relation to parent tree environment. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 29:62-72.
Lomas M.C.. 1999. Physiology and genetics of drought hardiness in coastal Douglas-fir seedlings. M.S.:80.
O'Neill G.A.. 1999. Genetics of fall, winter and spring cold hardiness in coastal Douglas-fir seedlings. Ph.D.:84.
Adams W.T., Zuo J., Shimizu J.Y., Tappeiner J.C.. 1998. Impact of alternative regeneration methods on genetic diversity in coastal Douglas-fir. Forest Science. 44:390-396.
Anekonda T.S., Adams W.T., Aitken S.N.. 1998. Influence of second flushing on genetic assessment of cold hardiness in coastal Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii (Mirb.) Franco). Forest Ecology and Management. 111:119-126.
Bower A.D.. 1998. Response of annual growth ring components to soil moisture deficit in young, plantation grown Douglas-fir in coastal British Columbia. M.S.:88.
Doede D.L., Adams W.T.. 1998. The genetics of stem volume, stem form and branch characteristics in sapling noble fir. Silvae Genetica. 47:177-183.
Howe G.T., Adams W.T.. 1998. Clinometer versus pole measurement of tree heights in young Douglas-fir progeny tests. Western Journal of Applied Forestry . 3:86-88.
Krutovskii K.V., Vollmer S.S., Sorenson F.C., Adams W.T., Knapp S.J., Strauss S.H.. 1998. RAPD genome maps of Douglas-fir. Journal of Heredity. 89:197-205.
Zencirci N., Kaya Z., Anikster Y., Adams W.T.. 1998. Proceedings of International Symposium on In Situ Conservation of Plant Genetic Diversity. In Situ Conservation of Plant Genetic Diversity. :391p.
Adams W.T., Hipkins V.D., Burczyk J., Randall W.K.. 1997. Pollen contamination trends in a maturing Douglas-fir seed orchard. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 27:131-134.
Aitken S.N., Adams W.T.. 1997. Spring cold hardiness under strong genetic control in Oregon populations of Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 27:1773-1780.
Burczyk J., Adams W.T., Shimizu J.Y.. 1997. Mating system and genetic diversity in natural populations of knobcone pine (Pinus attenuata). Forest Genetics. 4(4):223-226.
Schermann N., Adams W.T., Aitken S.N., Bastien J.-C. 1997. Genetic parameters of stem form traits in a 9-year-old coastal Douglas-fir progeny test in Washington. Silvae Genetica. 46:166-170.
Temel F. 1997. Persistence and age-age genetic correlations of stem defects in Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii (Mirb.) Franco). MS:52.
Aitken S.N., Adams W.T., Schermann N., Fuchigami L.H.. 1996. Family variation for fall cold hardiness in two Washington populations of coastal Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii (Mirb.) Franco). Forest Ecology and Management. 80:187-195.
Aitken S.N., Adams W.T.. 1996. Genetics of fall and winter cold hardiness of coastal Douglas-fir in Oregon. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 26:1828-1837.
Aitken S.N., Adams W.T.. 1996. Genetics of spring cold hardiness in coastal Douglas-fir. Western Forest Genetics Association Meeting.
Anekonda T.S., Hansen L.D., Bacca M.I., Criddle R.S.. 1996. Selection for biomass production based on respiration parameters in eucalypts: Effects of origin and growth climates on growth rates. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 26:1556-1568.
Anekonda T.S., Libby W.J.. 1996. Effectiveness of nearest neighbor data adjustment in a clonal test of redwood. Silvae Genetica. 45:46-51.
Burczyk J., Adams W.T., Shimizu J.Y.. 1996. Mating patterns and pollen dispersal in a natural knobcone pine (Pinus attenuata Lemmon.) stand. Heredity. 77:251-280.
Criddle R.S., Anekonda T.S., Bacca M.I., Hansen L.D.. 1996. Selection for biomass production based on respiration parameters in eucalypts: Acclimation of growth respiration to changing growth temperatures. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 26:1569-1576.
Criddle R.S., Anekonda T.S., Libby W.J.. 1996. Respiration parameters determine redwood growth rates and responses to climate. Proceedings Conference on Coast Redwood Forest Ecology and Management.
Krutovskii K.V., Vollmer S.S., Sorenson F.C., Adams W.T., Strauss S.H.. 1996. Effects of megagametrophyte removal on DNA yield and early seedling growth in coastal Douglas-fir. Proceedings Western Forest Genetics Association Meeting.
Krutovskii K.V., Vollmer S.S., Sorenson F.C., Adams W.T., Strauss S.H.. 1996. Genome mapping in inter-varietal hybrids of Douglas-fir. Proceedings Western Forest Genetics Association Meeting.
Libby W.J., Anekonda T.S., Kuser J.E.. 1996. The genetic architecture study of coast redwood. Proceedings Conference on Coast Redwood Forest Ecology and Management.
O'Neill G.A., Aitken S.N., Adams W.T.. 1996. Susceptibility to autumn frost can be predicted by the timing of bud-set in Douglas-fir seedlings but not saplings. Tree Improvement for Sustainable Tropical Forestry, Dieters, M.J., Matheson, A.C., Nikles, D.G., Harwood, C.E. and Walker, S.U. (eds.). :208-209.
Adams W.T., Aitken S.N.. 1995. Pacific Northwest Tree Improvement Research Cooperative Five-Year Plan (July 1995-June 2000). PNWTIRC Report. :11p.
Aitken S.N., Adams W.T.. 1995. Impacts of genetic selection for height growth on annual developmental cycle traits in coastal Douglas-fir. Proceedings Joint Meeting IUFRO Working Parties S2.02.05 (Douglas-fir), S2.0206 (Pinus contorta), S2.02.12 (Sitka spruce) and S2.02.14 (Abies). :AD-1.
Aitken S.N., Adams W.T.. 1995. Screening for cold hardiness in coastal Douglas-fir. Proceedings CRC-IUFRO Conference: Eucalypt Plantations: Improving Fibre Yield and Quality. :321-324.
Aitken S.N., Kavanagh K.L., Yoder B.J.. 1995. Genetic variation in seedling water-use efficiency as estimated by carbon isotope ratios and its relationship to sapling growth in Douglas-fir. Forest Genetics. 2:199-206.
Aitken S.N.. 1995. Effects of selection for increased growth rates on the annual developmental cycle of coastal Douglas-fir. Proceedings Canadian Tree Improvement Association and Western Forest Genetics Association Joint Meeting. :63p.
Adams W.T., Bastien J.-C. 1994. Genetics of second flushing in a French plantation of coastal Douglas-fir. Silvae Genetica. 43
Adams W.T., Bastien J.-C. 1994. Genetics of second flushing in coastal Douglas-fir. Proceedings Joint Conference Western Mensurationists Association and Western Forest Genetics Association. :83p.
Adams W.T., White T.L., Hodge G.R., Powell G.L.. 1994. Genetic parameters for bole volume in longleaf pine: large sample estimates and influences of test characteristics. Silvae Genetica. 43:357-366.
Kaya Z., Adams W.T., Campbell R.K.. 1994. Adaptive significance of intermittent shoot growth in Douglas-fir seedlings. Tree Physiology. 14:1277-1289.
Li P, Adams W.T.. 1994. Genetic variation in cambial phenology of coastal Douglas-fir. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 24:1864-1870.
Schermann N.. 1994. Etude des parameteres genetiques de trois populations de Douglas vert (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco), Analyse d'un diallele 16 x 16, Consequences pour la strategie d'amelioration genetique de l'espece. PhD:117p.
Vargas-Hernandez J.J., Adams W.T., Krahmer R.L.. 1994. Family variation in age trends of wood density traits in young coastal Douglas-fir. Wood and Fiber Science. 26:229-236.
Vargas-Hernandez J.J., Adams W.T.. 1994. Genetic relationships between wood density components and cambial growth rhythm in young coastal Douglas-fir. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 24:1871-1876.
Li P, Adams W.T.. 1993. Genetic control of bud phenology in pole-size trees and seedlings of coastal Douglas-fir. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 23:1043-1051.
St.Clair J.B., Adams W.T.. 1993. Family composition of Douglas-fir nursery stock as influenced by seed characters, mortality and culling practices. New Forests. 7:319-329.
Vargas-Hernandez J.J., Adams W.T.. 1992. Age-age correlations and early selection for wood density in young Douglas-fir. Forest Science. 38:467-478.
St.Clair J.B., Adams W.T.. 1991. Effects of seed weight and rate of emergence on early growth of open-pollinated Douglas-fir families. Forest Science. 37:987-997.
St.Clair J.B., Adams W.T.. 1991. Relative family performance and variance structure of open-pollinated Douglas-fir seedlings grown in three competitive environments. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 81:541-550.
Vargas-Hernandez J.J., Adams W.T.. 1991. Genetic variation of wood density components in young coastal Douglas-fir: implications for tree breeding. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 21:1801-1807.
Adams W.T., Johnson G.R., Copes D.L., Daniels J., Quam R.G., Heaman J.C., Weber J.. 1990. Information needs of coastal Douglas-fir tree improvement programs. PNWTIRC Report. :18p.
Adams W.T., Johnson G.R., Copes D.L., Daniels J., Quam R.G., Heaman J.C., Weber J.. 1990. Is research keeping up with the needs of Douglas-fir tree improvement programs? Western Journal of Applied Forestry . 5:135-137.
Adams W.T., Joyce D.G.. 1990. Comparison of selection methods for improving volume growth in young coastal Douglas-fir. Silvae Genetica. 39:219-226.
Adams W.T., Vargas-Hernandez J.J., Joyce D.G.. 1990. Selecting for wood density in young coastal Douglas-fir. Proceedings Joint Meeting Western Forest Genetics Association and IUFRO Working Parties S2.02-05, -06, -12 and -14 on Douglas-fir, Contorta Pine, Sitka Spruce and Abies Breeding and Genetic Resources. :4.1-4.8.
Li P. 1990. Genetic variation in phenology of bud and cambial activity in coastal Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii (Mirb.) Franco). Ph.D.
Vargas-Hernandez J.J.. 1990. Genetic variation of wood density components in coastal Douglas-fir and their relationships to growth rhythm. Ph.D
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