Annual Report 2018-19

Highlights of 2018-2019

  • We completed development of the Axiom genotyping array for Douglas-fir and submitted the manuscript to BMC Genomics for publication. "Howe, G.T., Jayawickrama, K.J., Kolpak, S.E., Kling, J.G., Trappe, M., Hipkins, V., Ye, T., Guida, S., Cronn, R., Cushman, S.A., McEvoy, S. 2019. A high-density Axiom genotyping array for Douglas-fir. BMC Gemonics (submitted)."
  • We published a study in collaboration with the US Forest Service that examines a century of lessons learned from the 1912 Douglas-fir heredity study. "St.Clair, J.B., Howe, G.T., and Kling, J.G. 2019. The 1912 Douglas-fir heredity study: Long-term effects of climatic transfer distance on growth and survival. Journal of Forestry (accepted)."
  • Meridith McClure joined the PNWTIRC as a masters student and developed her research proposal, "Climate-based Seed Deployment Zones for the Pacific Northwest."
  • PNWTIRC Program Manager Anna Magnuson was hired into the Research Coordinator position to replace Scott Kolpak, who took a job with the USFS.
  • We're continuing to develop a reliable and cost-efficient low-density SNP genotyping system in Douglas-fir, building off of work that was done for the Axiom array.
  • We're continuing to develop the genomic selection workplan in collabooration with the NWTIC.
  • Margaret Banks of Stimson Lumber Co. was elected as the new Policy/Technical Committee Chair for the upcoming year.

 Full report PDF