Highlights of 2010-2011
- Data analyses and interpretations for the site characterization research project were completed during the summer.
- Lauren Magalska defended her thesis and recieved an M.S.
- We published two manuscripts on wood quality research:
- Vikram, V., Cherry, M.L., Briggs, D., Cress, D.W., Evans, R., and Howe, G.T. 2011. Stiffness of Douglas-fir lumber: Effects of wood properties and genetics. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41: 1160-1173
- Jayawickrama, K.J.S., Ye, T.Z., and Howe, G.T. 2011. Heritabilities, intertrait genetic correlations, GxE interaction and predicted genetic gains for acoustic velocity in mid-rotation coastal Douglas-fir. Silvae Genetica 60: 8-18.
- Our proposal "Early genetic selection for wood stiffness in Douglas-fir and western hemlock" was funded by CAFS and work on the project is underway.
- In the miniaturized seed orchard study, we measured 2011 cone crop and completed the first analyses of crown volume and the cone crops in 2010 and 2011.
- We collaborated on two published manuscripts on the topic of forest climate change:
- Chmura, D.J., Anderson, P.D., Howe, G.T., Harrington, C.A., Halofsky, J.E., Peterson, D.L., Shaw, D.C., and St.Clair, J.B. 2011. Forest responses to climate change in the northwestern United States: Ecophysiological foundations for adaptive management. Forest Ecology and Management 261: 1121-1142.
- Chmura, D.J., Howe, G.T., Anderson, P.D., and St.Clair, J.B. 2010. Adaption of trees, forests, and forestry to climate change. Sylwan 154: 587-602.
- Lauren Magalska gave a presentation titled "Douglas-fir Productivity and Near-Term Climate Change" at the May 2011 National Workshop on Climate and Forests in Flagstaff, Arizona.