Highlights of 2013-2014
- Oguz Urhan published his M.S. thesis research in Forest Ecology and Management: “Early genetic selection for wood stiffness in juvenile Douglas-fir and western hemlock.”
- Oguz Urhan continued his work on using SNP markers to improve blister rust resistance in western white pine. Oguz is being supported by a scholarship from the Turkish government.
- Lauren Magalska published an extension of her M.S. thesis work in Forest Ecology and Management: “Genetic and environmental control of Douglas-fir stem defects.”
- Lauren began working for the Washington Department of Natural Resources, but continues to work part-time for the PNWTIRC.
- Scott Kolpak published the results of the Miniaturized seed orchard study in New Forests: “High-density miniaturized seed orchards of Douglas-fir.”
- Erda Celer began an M.S. degree program in the fall of 2014. Erda is being supported by a scholarship from the Turkish government.
- We designed a next-generation SNP chip for Douglas-fir capable of assaying ~50K SNPs.
- We continued working with Keith Jayawickrama and the Northwest Advanced Renewables Alliance (NARA) to test genomic selection in Douglas-fir.